Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission

  • Maintain high standards in workmanship.
  • Meet customer requirements to the brim.
  • Achieve timely completion of works by adopting innovative methods and planning.
  • Enhance organizational skills through periodic training and retention of Human resources and tireless pursuit for excellence all the time.
  • To be an outstanding company and dominant player among the peers and delight the customers through services with continuous improvement.
  • To ensure quality workmanship to meet customer requirements and satisfaction.
  • To Adapt and overcome all obstacles in the path of success.
  • To focus on total system integration and optimization.

About Us

We at GILL ENGINEERING PVT.LTD are fully geared up to provide expertise engineering services to our esteemed clients across a wide array of domains. Our spectrum of business activities covers the following: Boiler & its AuxiliariesTurbine & its AuxiliariesCoal Mills & FansCompressors & PumpsCrushers, Rotary Breakers & Conveyor  System Wagon Tipplers and Stacker & ReclaimersFabrication & Erection of Piping & StructureConveyor Belt JointingCeramic & Rubber Lagging of Pulleys O&M of Ash Handling PlantO&M of Hydrogen Plants

Find us at

#1, Vishvas Nagar, Goniana Road, P.O. NFL, Bathinda-151003

0164-2270895, 3297051

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