At GILL ENGINEERING PVT.LTD., our goal is to help our customers innovate faster, bring more products to fruition, and to do so cost-effectively. We specialize in Product Design & Development that seeks to blend design creativity with engineering excellence. Our internal focus is on hiring and nurturing the best design talent available. Our Product Engineering teams are very experienced and have an excellent understanding of customer expectations across a wide array of domains.
We at GILL ENGINEERING PVT.LTD are fully geared up to provide expertise engineering services to our esteemed clients across a wide array of domains. Our spectrum of business activities covers the following: Boiler & its AuxiliariesTurbine & its AuxiliariesCoal Mills & FansCompressors & PumpsCrushers, Rotary Breakers & Conveyor System Wagon Tipplers and Stacker & ReclaimersFabrication & Erection of Piping & StructureConveyor Belt JointingCeramic & Rubber Lagging of Pulleys O&M of Ash Handling PlantO&M of Hydrogen Plants
#1, Vishvas Nagar, Goniana Road, P.O. NFL, Bathinda-151003
0164-2270895, 3297051