Mechanical (CHP, AHP & BOP)

Mechanical (CHP, AHP & BOP)

Sr No.

Work Description



1 Operation & Maintenance of PLC based complete Ash Handling Plant for 2x210 MW unit I & II. GHTP, PSPCL Running
2 Annual Maintenance Contract of Bottom Ash & Ash disposal System 3x 500 MW at APCPL, Jhajjar. APCPL, NTPC Running
3 Operation of PLC based DRY fly ash Collection and Disposal system, Maintenance of PLC based DRY fly ash Collection and Disposal system & Cleaning of Ash hoppers and housekeeping at GNDTP. GNDTP, PSPCL Running
4 General House Keeping/Cleaning & Reclamation of Spilled Coal etc. from all locations of Coal Handling Plant of 2x250MW Unit 3&4. GHTP, PSPCL Running
5 Providing Manpower for Fire and Safety cell under operation circle in execution of Fire & Safety Works. GHTP, PSPCL Running
6 Belt Joiting, Laying, Rubber lagging / Repair of Pulleys & Other Associated works of 6x250 MW Units in CHP at SSTPS. SSTPS, RVUNL Running
7 Annual Maintenance Contract for Conveyor Belts of Coal Handling Plant (4x120 MW) at GNDTP. GNDTP, PSPCL Running
8 Routine/Breakdown maintenance of Rotary Breakers, Grizzly Feeders, Crushers & Stackers Re-claimers in CHP at SSTPS. SSTPS, RVUNL Running
9 To Provide Assistance in operation of 2x250 MW Coal Handling Palnt Stage -II (2x250MW) at GHTP. GHTP, PSPCL Completed
10 ARC of Operation & Maintenance of PLC based Hydrogen Generation plant of 2x600 MW Units. RGTPP, HPGCL Completed
11 Belt Joiting, laying, Rubber lagging / Repair of Pulleys & Other Associated works of 6x250 MW Units at CHP, Suratgarh . SSTPS, RVUNL Completed
12 AMC of Complete Conveyor System of CHP of Stage I & II (2x210 & 2x250 MW Units) GHTP, PSPCL Completed
13 Annual Mechancial Mainteanance of Conveyor system & Belt Jointing of Coal Handling Plant 4X 120 MW. GNDTP, PSPCL Completed
14 Annual Rate Contract for Mechanical maintenance of conveyor system & Belt jointing in CHP at PTPS, Panipat PTPS, HPGCL Completed
15 Annual Maintenance Contract for Reapir of Conveyor Belts & Pulley Lagging of Complete CHP for Stage- I & II GHTP, PSPCL Completed
16 Annual rate Contract for Conveyor Belt Vulcanizing Work at NFL, Bathinda NFL, Bathinda Completed
17 Replacement of Ash Slurry Line & carbon Slurry Line of SGP & CPP at NFL, Bathinda NFL, Bathinda Completed
18 Rubber lining work of pipes fittings valves,vessels,tanks in DM plant,Raw water Treatment plant at stage I to IV (6x250 MW). SSTPS, RVUNL Completed
19 Fabrication and Erection of new Acid Storage Tank at Abhishek Industries Limited, Barnala Trident Group Completed
20 Routine/Breakdown Electrical & Mechanical Maintenance of locomotives & 5T EOT Crane in CHP. SSTPS, RVUNL Completed
21 Fabrication of Rail Beams of Rotary Breakers in CHP at STPS SSTPS, RVUNL Completed
22 Routine/Breakdown maintenance of Rotary Breakers, Grizzly Feeders, Crushers & stackers Re-claimers of CHP. SSTPS, RVUNL Completed
23 Annual Running Contract of Operation of Mechanical Workshop and its Maintenance at (2x600 MW), RGTPP RGTPP, HPGCL Completed
24 Opeartion & Maintenance of Bulldozers in CHP at SSTPS. SSTPS, RVUNL Completed
25 Providing Manpower B.Sc. chemistry for Operation of DM plant and Chemical dosing System at GHTP. GHTP, PSPCL Completed

About Us

We at GILL ENGINEERING PVT.LTD are fully geared up to provide expertise engineering services to our esteemed clients across a wide array of domains. Our spectrum of business activities covers the following: Boiler & its AuxiliariesTurbine & its AuxiliariesCoal Mills & FansCompressors & PumpsCrushers, Rotary Breakers & Conveyor  System Wagon Tipplers and Stacker & ReclaimersFabrication & Erection of Piping & StructureConveyor Belt JointingCeramic & Rubber Lagging of Pulleys O&M of Ash Handling PlantO&M of Hydrogen Plants

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#1, Vishvas Nagar, Goniana Road, P.O. NFL, Bathinda-151003

0164-2270895, 3297051

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