1 | Operation & Maintenance of PLC based complete Ash Handling Plant for 2x210 MW unit I & II. | GHTP, PSPCL | Running |
2 | Annual Maintenance Contract of Bottom Ash & Ash disposal System 3x 500 MW at APCPL, Jhajjar. | APCPL, NTPC | Running |
3 | Operation of PLC based DRY fly ash Collection and Disposal system, Maintenance of PLC based DRY fly ash Collection and Disposal system & Cleaning of Ash hoppers and housekeeping at GNDTP. | GNDTP, PSPCL | Running |
4 | General House Keeping/Cleaning & Reclamation of Spilled Coal etc. from all locations of Coal Handling Plant of 2x250MW Unit 3&4. | GHTP, PSPCL | Running |
5 | Providing Manpower for Fire and Safety cell under operation circle in execution of Fire & Safety Works. | GHTP, PSPCL | Running |
6 | Belt Joiting, Laying, Rubber lagging / Repair of Pulleys & Other Associated works of 6x250 MW Units in CHP at SSTPS. | SSTPS, RVUNL | Running |
7 | Annual Maintenance Contract for Conveyor Belts of Coal Handling Plant (4x120 MW) at GNDTP. | GNDTP, PSPCL | Running |
8 | Routine/Breakdown maintenance of Rotary Breakers, Grizzly Feeders, Crushers & Stackers Re-claimers in CHP at SSTPS. | SSTPS, RVUNL | Running |
9 | To Provide Assistance in operation of 2x250 MW Coal Handling Palnt Stage -II (2x250MW) at GHTP. | GHTP, PSPCL | Completed |
10 | ARC of Operation & Maintenance of PLC based Hydrogen Generation plant of 2x600 MW Units. | RGTPP, HPGCL | Completed |
11 | Belt Joiting, laying, Rubber lagging / Repair of Pulleys & Other Associated works of 6x250 MW Units at CHP, Suratgarh . | SSTPS, RVUNL | Completed |
12 | AMC of Complete Conveyor System of CHP of Stage I & II (2x210 & 2x250 MW Units) | GHTP, PSPCL | Completed |
13 | Annual Mechancial Mainteanance of Conveyor system & Belt Jointing of Coal Handling Plant 4X 120 MW. | GNDTP, PSPCL | Completed |
14 | Annual Rate Contract for Mechanical maintenance of conveyor system & Belt jointing in CHP at PTPS, Panipat | PTPS, HPGCL | Completed |
15 | Annual Maintenance Contract for Reapir of Conveyor Belts & Pulley Lagging of Complete CHP for Stage- I & II | GHTP, PSPCL | Completed |
16 | Annual rate Contract for Conveyor Belt Vulcanizing Work at NFL, Bathinda | NFL, Bathinda | Completed |
17 | Replacement of Ash Slurry Line & carbon Slurry Line of SGP & CPP at NFL, Bathinda | NFL, Bathinda | Completed |
18 | Rubber lining work of pipes fittings valves,vessels,tanks in DM plant,Raw water Treatment plant at stage I to IV (6x250 MW). | SSTPS, RVUNL | Completed |
19 | Fabrication and Erection of new Acid Storage Tank at Abhishek Industries Limited, Barnala | Trident Group | Completed |
20 | Routine/Breakdown Electrical & Mechanical Maintenance of locomotives & 5T EOT Crane in CHP. | SSTPS, RVUNL | Completed |
21 | Fabrication of Rail Beams of Rotary Breakers in CHP at STPS | SSTPS, RVUNL | Completed |
22 | Routine/Breakdown maintenance of Rotary Breakers, Grizzly Feeders, Crushers & stackers Re-claimers of CHP. | SSTPS, RVUNL | Completed |
23 | Annual Running Contract of Operation of Mechanical Workshop and its Maintenance at (2x600 MW), RGTPP | RGTPP, HPGCL | Completed |
24 | Opeartion & Maintenance of Bulldozers in CHP at SSTPS. | SSTPS, RVUNL | Completed |
25 | Providing Manpower B.Sc. chemistry for Operation of DM plant and Chemical dosing System at GHTP. | GHTP, PSPCL | Completed |
We at GILL ENGINEERING PVT.LTD are fully geared up to provide expertise engineering services to our esteemed clients across a wide array of domains. Our spectrum of business activities covers the following: Boiler & its AuxiliariesTurbine & its AuxiliariesCoal Mills & FansCompressors & PumpsCrushers, Rotary Breakers & Conveyor System Wagon Tipplers and Stacker & ReclaimersFabrication & Erection of Piping & StructureConveyor Belt JointingCeramic & Rubber Lagging of Pulleys O&M of Ash Handling PlantO&M of Hydrogen Plants
#1, Vishvas Nagar, Goniana Road, P.O. NFL, Bathinda-151003
0164-2270895, 3297051