Health, Safety & Environment

HSE Policy

We at GILL ENGINEERING PVT .LTD. are fully committed to have sole contribution from all of our employees, Business partners and Client as well, to ensure safe work practice with enhancement in their Behavioral Based Safety, through this policy. We strive for excellence in all safety aspect for followings:

  • Ensure prescribed & periodical medical checkups for employees.
  • Aim to reduce the risks to the health of workers, contractors & visitors.
  • Periodical & as necessary training to employees for optimum implementation of HSE Policy.
  • Daily identification of unsafe conditions / unsafe acts at site and closure of the same.
  • Compliance of safety policies as per factory act and state government laws.
  • Establishing and maintaining the HSE system within the company at all of its sites.
  • Establishing and maintaining a culture for usage of “Right tools for Right Jobs”.
  • Training & educate all workmen, for importance of “Workplace Hygiene and Safety”.
  • Safety Motivational Programs by rewarding Outstanding Safety Performer on monthly basis.

About Us

We at GILL ENGINEERING PVT.LTD are fully geared up to provide expertise engineering services to our esteemed clients across a wide array of domains. Our spectrum of business activities covers the following: Boiler & its AuxiliariesTurbine & its AuxiliariesCoal Mills & FansCompressors & PumpsCrushers, Rotary Breakers & Conveyor  System Wagon Tipplers and Stacker & ReclaimersFabrication & Erection of Piping & StructureConveyor Belt JointingCeramic & Rubber Lagging of Pulleys O&M of Ash Handling PlantO&M of Hydrogen Plants

Find us at

#1, Vishvas Nagar, Goniana Road, P.O. NFL, Bathinda-151003

0164-2270895, 3297051

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